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My Story

I've been writing since the age of 13.  I submitted my first skit to Saturday Night Live at 14 and received a nice rejection letter. Life moved on and so did my idea of being a writer.  Then my passion came back to me in my early thirties when I joined a dinner theater production. Without warning, I began writing dinner plays, and comedy skits and started ideas for books. 


Although it took some time before I returned to my passion, I finished my first two novels under the pseudonym Cullen Kit Alexander.  Since 2016, I have cranked out about a book a year and now use my legal name.


I grew up in  Eastern KY in the small community of Vancleve.  I was influenced by the people, my parents, and the politics of the time.  Saturday Night Live and movies of the '70s and '80s influenced my comedic side, igniting something that would never go away. 


I have been married to my lovely wife since 1999 and have four children.  My dog Ginger and our cats Binx and Callie provide additional balance to my family life.  We moved to Halls, TN in 2021 and are enjoying life in the slower lane.  As I approach retirement, I  realize how important it is to make your dreams come true.  My dream is to be an author full-time.  What's your dream?





©2017 by Alan W. Hounshell. Proudly created with  Last updated: 5.23.2023

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